Relief is finally here!

We produce several unique All-in-One dosage products – patented products in a convenient liquid spray, loaded with natural anti-oxidants and essential oils that have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal (germ killing and immune responding) properties that aid the healing process and relief of many common skin conditions, including rashes, skin discoloration, bumps, relief of painful swelling, tingling, sore muscles and nerves.

Extreme Aches & Pain
Versatile, dual acting product, enhanced to provide quick, deeper, long acting relief of some chronic painful conditions, including age-related problems such as Arthritic aches and swellings, neuropathy in hands and feet, shingles relief, carpal tunnel, gout, back and neck discomforts, not to mention many other painful conditions that many use CBD topicals for. The effects of its essential oils makes this good for AROMATHERAPY for headaches and stress.

Aches & Skin Irritation
Wherever there is painful soreness, irritation, swelling, bites, cuts, itching or even minor burns – use this quick relieving spray to help alleviate the problem. It’s safe, reliable and fast-acting. Keep this “Little Bottle of Liquid Gold” in your medicine cabinet.

Hair Bump Remedy
Uniquely formulated with safe, effective ingredients that work fast to alleviate and help stop those “pesky” ingrown hair bumps on face and neck, acne pimples, and discomforts from hair removal at the under arm, bikini, and other sensitive areas.